CHANGEOVER releases CDs/Vinyl that is produced ecologically.

Harald Pomper  – STRASSENHUND (26.05.2022)

Harald Pomper is going to release his album Strassenhund  on CHANGEOVER. It is the first record that is released on CHANGEOVER.

In 2017, Harald walked about 700km in Austria to get to his shows and to raise awareness for climate change, environmental sustainability and slowing down. He recorded in shopping streets, in the woods and in cabins.

These recordings were mixed and mastered by Chris Janka in his studio. The album is release on vinyl (300 limited) and on CD. The LP cover was printed by hand with by Steve Reeder at MotMot. All 300 LP covers are recycled old covers.

Thanks to:

 Chris Janka

 Steve Reeder

 Austro Vinyl

And everyone, who helped!

Distribution: Online – Hoanzl

Available in Harald Pomper’s  Webshop, via CHANGEOVER, in selected shops and after the gigs!


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